Climate Change and Weather

 This week in class we learned about not only the differences between weather and climate but also how climate change is affecting everyone around us some more than others. The first part of this content is the fact that there is a difference between weather and climate.

                                                                   Weather and climate 

In the concept of weather, I consider being more short-term or what is happening now. For example, if you look outside and it is raining today this may be what's happening today but tomorrow could be sonny and not a cloud in the sky.  Weather is considered more of a short-term concept while the climate of a given area is more of a long-term situation around 30 years such as there was a global increase in temperature this year or we have experienced more rainfall from the past 35 years.  Now that we know the differences in both Weather and Climate let's discuss Climate change.

                                                                      Climate Change 

Climate change can cause many different issues for areas all around the world. From flash flooding to forest fires are problems that happen due to climate change. Many believe that it is due to human interaction such as burning fossil fuels and increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and causing our ozone layer to become less protective.  These changes have huge effects and without the world's people changing our ways they say we might not even recognize the earth by 2050. This is why we decided to create a PowerPoint to discuss the harm that climate change is having on our earth. We began by splitting up into groups of 3 or 4 and researched the topic of climate change from the pros and cons to how we can prevent it from spreading. We are not actually sending our presentation to a senator but this assignment would work great in my future classroom to explain to students not only about weather and climate but also climate change and the further steps we can do as people of earth to prevent climate change from becoming worse than it already is and help inspire my students to make a change so one day they may have a brighter future for there children someday.
