Identifying minerals
In our assignment this week we were tasked with discovering the different types of minerals and how to identify them. With our trusty mineral discovery kit as shown below, we were able to find a way to identify the minerals shown in our mineral organizer. This Kit has everything that is needed to identify the minerals being shown. The best way I found was to follow a similar pattern every time you are trying to identify a certain mineral. Is to just first observe the mineral under your tiny magnifying glass to see the shape, color, or what characteristics it has. The next step is to find out if the mineral is earthy in color pearly or crystal-like these are all key ways to identify the mineral. Next is using the streak plate to identify how hard the mineral is the streak plate, copper penny, and glass help show the hardness of the given mineral. The last step is to check to see if it is fractured or cleavage. The difference is when cleavage is present...